Catalog (/b/)

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anyone still want dumbfoxfurry.exe or is that shit gonna be postponed for a while
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petishon to add /fag/, /incel/, /scz/, and /xbnrxstiasc/

/fag/ - board about posting fags, NSFW or not.
/incel/ - just bryn lul
/scz/ - schizo posting
/xbnrxstiasc/ - /x/ but not really /x/ since this is a stupid concept
also a /owo/ board just for holly, post scat there /joke
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dead chan
dead chan

pre nukage was peak fzorbchan

or maybe its because the anons arent online at this current moment..
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/jap/ when
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zorb gave in and used vichan again
cant blame the guy since jschan was pain in the ass for him lol